BatteriesNumber of batteries in the system


CapacityTotal battery capacity in kilowatt-hours (kWh)

NaN kWh

SOCState of Charge (SOC) of the batteries


Energy StoredTotal energy stored in the batteries in kilowatt-hours (kWh)

NaN kWh

POWSTON: Current Rates

SiteBillBuy rateSell RateSavings



0 c/kWh

0.00c/0 kWh

0 c/kWh

0.00c/0 kWh


Rate Information and Data Accuracy:

The savings shown are estimates based on data from your inverter and current controls. We update these figures at 6am, 8am, 10am and 6pm as we receive more accurate information. Early in the day, the numbers might change because they rely on preliminary data. As actual meter readings are reported to the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) and then to your retailer, we update the figures accordingly. This means the numbers may not be fully accurate until around 8am. Bills are typically issued without DST but some apps will display billing with DST. These rates are displayed without DST to align with how AEMO times run and bills are issued so minor differences can arise. Please note that these estimates do not include demand fees and are intended for rate comparison only. For detailed comparisons and rates, please visit the Australian Government Energy Made Easy website.